Kenny's Blog Random things, probably

Running the U9 U-Bahn Line

My goal for the end of August is to run the length of the Ringbahn, a 37.5 km rail line that goes in a circle around Berlin. Since I can’t run directly along the tracks, in order to visit every station along the Ringbahn, I would have to run about 43.5 km (according to a quick route mapping on Google Maps), which is just a little bit more than a... Read more

The Noodle Bowl

I moved to Berlin about a month ago now, and recently solved one of my largest problems. When I made instant noodles, I didn’t have a bowl big enough to hold all my noodles + soup. I like to add extra noodles when I make instant noodles. No bowls big enough for my noodles 🙁 It was very, very annoying. I had to eat my noodles from the... Read more