Kenny's Blog Random things, probably

Running from Berlin-Moabit to Potsdam

It was a really nice day for a long run today – just under 20 degrees when I left my apartment and very cloudy!

On my run, I passed by the central bus station and the Berlin Funkturm, a former broadcasting tower. Shortly after, I made my way onto the Königsweg – a pedestrian and bike path which was very nice for running. It was really nice to be able to just run for multiple kilometers, without having to stop at an intersection!

After exiting the Königsweg, I entered the Wannsee area. There was a pretty little dock there, where I stopped to take a quick picture.

After running through some residential areas, I entered a forested area which was very refreshing after running mostly in the city this summer.

Shortly after exiting the forest, I ran across a bridge that went over a river with people enjoying some nice paddle boat rides, which looked like lots of fun!

After the bridge, I ran a bit more before stopping neat the main train station in Potsdam! At 27.5km, this is the longest run I’ve done so far. Now the only running goal left for the summer is to run the Ringbahn at the end of August!