Kenny's Blog Random things, probably

Fort York Loop

I wanted to get a longer run in before it starts getting too cold, but I haven’t gotten around to getting the equipment to go on a longer run while comfortably carrying all my water and fuel since I moved to Toronto. So, I decided to run around in a circle near my condo building a bunch of times. Overall, it was pretty fun and relaxing. I’ve als... Read more

Streets of Royalwood

Ran all the streets in Royalwood a couple weeks ago. Maybe I can do Island Lakes as well before heading to Toronto in October? We’ll see how the timing works out! Read more


At St. Mark’s Summit, there were a lot of chipmunks. Somehow, I managed to get an action shot of a chipmunk jumping. Read more

Another Long Run

Went for a longer run and explored a bit more of Berlin today. A decent portion of it went through Tegel forest. There are so many nice paths in and around Berlin. Passed by this fenced off construction area along one portion of the path which was interesting. A bit after leaving Tegel forest, I passed by a few cranes. A bit after that, th... Read more

Fun Half Marathon

Ran my first half marathon distance in a while today. Felt pretty good, but definitely have a lot of training to do before I try to run around the Ringbahn again. Legs were feeling pretty tired around 15 km, but I was still able to pick up my pace a bit for the last 3(ish) km. The route I took went along this nice little path along the river fo... Read more